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Coronavirus: House Church Resources

A page with help for those meeting in House Churches due to the Coronavirus

This is a page to help with your worship service while we meet in House Churches to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Remember to connect with others in your small group and follow all appropriate precautions as recommended by your church leadership and other authorities.

Worship Ministry Video

If you need help with your singing, or just want your joyful noise to be even more joyful, consider using a video my son Josh Benton, teen leader for the Seattle church posted on Facebook along with his friends Jeremy and Riley. They sing “Open the Eyes of My Heart”, “Encourage My Soul”, “Anchor for the Soul”, and “My Lord My God Keeps His Promises”. Josh shares a brief lesson, some Seattle church announcements and a prayer from about 6:30 to 11:30 on the video – you can skip this if you only want to use the songs, or feel free to listen in.

Communion Bread

I mentioned this in a previous post, but it’s really easy to make your own communion bread, with only a few ingredients that you probably have in your house right now. You’ll probably need to get some grape juice or red wine, but making communion bread is a good activity for the family and makes the time of communion special.

More Later

Check back later – we’ll add information as we get it. Please add a comment if you have any ideas.

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