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More Free Stuff: Great New Resources for Learning at Home!

It’s been 3 weeks – how are you doing?? As the days go on, it is harder to find new and exciting ways to provide learning experiences that keep our kids’ attention. I have been doing more research over the past few days and evaluating sites that are providing free materials, activities and memberships and I have found some amazing options out there. So many companies and websites are rising to the challenge and providing resources that we need to help our kids (and ourselves!) stay focused and excited about learning.

I know that many schools are working on getting online lessons and resource materials out to parents. (Let’s hear it for those teachers who are staying in the fight!) In addition to your school/county’s materials, here are some excellent online resources, and all are free! Just click on the link to get started!


I have loved this K-Grade 6 site for years, and it is a staple in many schools. It provides activities in math, English/language arts, and science. Resources in this game section include letters, numbers, puzzles, number charts, keyboarding practice, alphabet games, and skill and strategy activities. Kids in our school would beg for free time to work on this site!

Circle Time Fun

This is a site for parents of Infant -6 year olds. It provides free, online, ‘circle time’ (ask your kids) classes. You can watch live or on-demand, but check the live times because some live classes have limited viewing space. Classes include yoga, stories, sing-along, art, and family cooking. There is even a ‘Yoga with Newborns’ class! Each class is only about 15 minutes long, so keeping the kids engaged shouldn’t be a problem.

This is one that I used daily as a teacher and it is a lifeline for many teachers and parents. It is a K- High School site that usually requires a fee to join, but currently, many resources are free. It includes worksheets, learning game sheets, and now, FREE DAILY ONLINE WORKBOOK BY GRADE that you can print out! These are quality materials and I highly recommend you give them a look!

Khan Academy is a well-established site that offers resources, homework help, and activities in math, science, and the humanities for Kindergarten – High School students. Currently, they are offering free daily livestreams with lessons. Check the web sites for age level and content.

Stem from the Start

The is a small web site that I ran across that has online STEM activities and experiments. They have videos in a few different areas of science/math/technology, and the registration is free. Definitely worth a look!

Mystery Science

If you have a K – 5th grader who loves science, this is a great page. Registering for a free account gives you access to mini- and full-length lessons in all areas of science. The mini lessons are 15-30 minutes and are all digital. The full length lessons (obviously better for older kids) run from 45-90 minutes and include links to hands-on and other activities. Great site for your Junior Scientists!

Cognitive Toy Box

I hadn’t heard of this site for kids under 8 before, but after exploring a little, I like the offerings. Free daily activities include math, stories, numbers, and patterns. These are shorter lessons, just right for kids with shorter attention spans.

Virtual Field Trips

This site was created by teachers, and it is amazing! Your kids can visit a planetarium, the Atlanta Zoo, Williamsburg, Ellis Island, the Seattle Aquarium, and 20 other sites WITH NO MUSEUM MEMBERSHIP OR ADMISSION FEE REQUIRED! This is one your kids will want to go to over and over again. There is even a visit to a volcano!

And for you…

Here are two sites that I really like that are great support for you and provide links to other resources:

Common Core for Dummies

This site will help you realize that Common Core Math is neither as hard nor as mysterious as it sounds. It helps you understand practical ways of helping your child with math while doing normal daily activities. The article is a short read, but I think it will ease your mind when it comes to Common Core.

Facebook group: Support for Online Learning

Even if you are not into Facebook as a general rule, this group can provide empathy and resources that can help you through your stint as a ‘substitute teacher’. While I can’t vouch for every suggestion or resource, I think it’s worth a look, just to know that you aren’t in it alone!

As you explore these sites and on your own, please feel free to send back a comment or recommend another great site to try. Remember – you aren’t alone!

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