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Hebrews 13: Keep on Loving One Another

HRC New Testament Reading Plan: daily NT reading devotional thoughts.

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters.

Hebrews 13:1 NIV

As the author concludes his amazing message to the Hebrew Christians, he turns to practicals and final encouragements. He discusses how we should live now that we’re confident of our Great High Priest and the salvation brought by the sacrifice of his blood.

He tells them to show hospitality to strangers, to honor marriage and to remember their leaders. He also makes a few requests: offer a sacrifice of praise to God, submit to the authority of their leaders and pray for them.

As we grow in our confidence in our salvation and overcome our difficulties, we need to remember to keep on loving one another. Our love for one another will show strangers that we follow Jesus, our Great High Priest, author and pioneer of our faith. It will help us to grow spiritually strong marriages. It will strengthen our unity as we support our leaders. It will help us to give praise to God as we grow in our faith and confidence.


  • The author lists several practical exhortations in Chapter 13. What are some of the key items he encouraged his readers to do?
  • He also points them to follow the example of their leaders. Why is it important to have leadership and for leaders to be godly examples?
  • Choose a few of the practical exhortations you found in the first question above and consider how you can put them into practice.
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